Almost 7 million people in the United States are affected by stress and anxiety. Are you one of them? There is no shame in admitting that you may need help managing these issues in your life. After all, we are all impacted at some time or another. Its impact varies but there is no doubt that if left unmanaged, serious results could unfold. Coach K presents a platform to learn more about stress and anxiety, what reinforces it in your lives and most importantly how to manage it in your life.
Codependency crowds you out of your life and makes everybody's wants, needs, and desires more important than your own. This is a quick way to live your life feeling overwhelmed, depressed, frustrated, anxious, and confused. Come and learn the symptoms of codependency and how to begin to integrate healthier ways of thinking and behaving. It's time to get your life back and give everybody else theirs.
Relationships are hard work. All the more when you haven't established healthy ways of dating or when you are taking unresolved baggage into new relationships. Do you find yourself quickly moving from one relationship to another? Do you often have regrets when you end a relationship? Are you confused about why relationships don't seem to be working for you? It helps to have a place to come talk through those concerns, learn how to own and resolve your relationship baggage, and prep for "the one."
Through the use of various techniques and strategies, Coach K will infuse you with essential self-care and support to promote resilience when simply pushing through is failing. You do have to keep going but you don't have to do it alone. Relaxation, discussion, and fun await you.